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'Cause you don't need to go to the jungle to have a Parrot | Home | Parrot Whistleblowing

A revolutionay platfom for Whistleblowing Reporting platforms.

Un applicativo, 3 canali | Home | Parrot Whistleblowing |

The portal allows you to configure, depending on the request, different reporting channels as required by Directive (EU) 2019/1937.

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Parrot WB provides companies with a valid and secure reporting channel to protect the confidentiality of the whistleblower in compliance with European regulatory guidance.

It ensures the complete confidentiality of the reporter and allows the adopting company to strengthen the virtuous reporting management process.

Your ally for an ethical and sustainable business.

ESG Parrot - ParrotWB

Parrot Whistleblowing is the ideal solution to strengthen your company’s ESG strategy, ensuring transparency, integrity, and regulatory compliance.

With its secure and intuitive channels, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders can report potential violations or misconduct in environmental, social, and governance matters—even anonymously. Choose an effective whistleblowing system for a more responsible future.

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ISO 27001 Accreditation

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Star Level ONE Accreditation

‘cause u don’t need to go to the jungle, to have a Parrot